continuity and risk management are major strategic
issues for corporate Britain and the public sector.
A professional,
dependable private security industry is needed to help
protect people, property, assets and operations. The
police alone cannot always attain and maintain the sense
of security that society and business expect these days.
That is why it is so vital that government bodies, the
police, the security industry and security users work in
collaboration to help build a vibrant, professional and
reliable private security industry.
The private security
industry has not always enjoyed a positive image.
Traditionally, quality standards were poor, training
inadequate, pay and conditions frequently unattractive
and career prospects weak. Security was often regarded
as a grudge spend with buyers opting to buy the minimum
and cheapest service possible. For this reason, amongst
others, the industry welcomed the introduction of the
Private Security Industry Act 2001, viewing the
regulation of an underdeveloped and undervalued industry
as the catalyst for driving much needed change.
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